Hey everybody, I have been really liking threadless T-shirts for awhile, if you haven't heard of them it is a community based T-shirt design company, which means that you submit designs for T-shirts, and everyone else votes on it, and if you get enough votes they print your T-shirt and you get a pile of money.
Sounds great!, doesn't it!.
I have a couple of T-shirts from them and I love them.
Now there's another thing to,
if you click on the link in the sidebar that says something like: Threadless T-shirts, very cool,
then I get a $1.50 in credits, and if you like a T-shirt and buy it then I get $3.00
So click away my dear friends and let us (me) be merry!.
Erm...I seem to be a little confused. Why are they called threadless? Just because it's cool?
I'm not sure why they're called threadless, I guess it's just kind of an oximoron to what they do, maybe.
and besides, it sounds cool to ;)
Ha ha! Okay. :D
Josh, I just tagged you. Go to my blog to see what to do. You're it!
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