W for Wendetta
written by Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski, with a twist inspired by Charles Dickens.
W: Woila!, in Wiew,a humble Waudewillian Weteran, cast Wicariously as both Wictim and Willian by the Wicissitudes of fate. the Wisage, no mere Weneer of Wanity, is a Westige of the Wox Populi, now Wacant, Wanished. howewer, this Walorous wisitation of a by-gone Wexation, stands Wiwified and has Wowed to Wanquish these Wenal and Wirulent Werman Wangourding Wice and Wouchsafing the Wiolently Wicious and Woracious Wiolation of Wolition. the only Werdict is Wengence: a Wendetta, held as a Wotiwe, not in Wain, for the Walue of such shall one day Windicate the Wigilant and the Wirtuos. (giggles) Werily, this Wichyssoise of Werbiage Weers most Werbose, so let me simply add that it is my Wery good honor to meet you and that you may call me W.
so that's what the V speech from V for Vendetta would have sounded like if Charles Dickens would have written the script.
but I was curious about the lack of V's in the book so I did some quick research and found that it is purely an accent that seems to be used by the lower class of people in London. I also found a website that has lists of weird words, and I found out that arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
now isn't that useful!.
well I hope that you had as much fun trying to decipher the V speech as I did typing it out.
fare the well,
(who is not arachibutyrophobic.)