well all is not lost, we have got all our programing done (with just a few loose ends) and we have figured out our team costume. now every year teams have been dressing up in crazy costumes with big hair to make them stand out from the crowd, and well, we're really gonna show them now.
we are dressing up like geeks and nerds.
yes, you heard me, geeks and nerds. we are going to wear white dress shirts, plaid pants that are to small, slicked back hair, glasses that are all taped up, ( mine have green masking tape, how delightfully nerdy!) pocket protectors (if we can find any) and last but definitely not the least, Duct tape ties. we have green duct tape ties, black duct tape ties, red duct tape ties, and I am, just to add to the ultra geeky look that I'm going for, going to have a Dilbert tie.
now, if you've never read the Dilbert comics you will not know what I'm talking about. A Dilbert tie is a tie that sticks up, instead of laying down flat like a good tie should. mine is also made of good ol' silver duct tape.
so watch out you other Lego League Members, for the Envirobot Geeks are coming your way.
( P.S, if you would like to come and see us at the Competition, it's going to be held at the NAIT building in Edmonton, the table competitions will be held in the main gym on the 26th of January and the madness will begin at about 12:00, about. hope to see you all there!)
(P.P.S, here's two pictures.)
(P.P.S, here's two pictures.)
oh ya! Now that's a cool look!
Ooops...that was me commenting under your account. Next time log out!(you'd think a geek would know to do THAT!)
Well I THOUGHT that I logged out, that's weird...
and yes, it's a very sophisticated look if you ask me...
Yeah, definitely a cool look! I would love to come on Saturday, but unfortunatly, I have a scout camp on that day. :( But have fun and good luck! :)
yeah, I think that the tie is just to much fun, and the glasses... well, what can I say?.
You're a scream! I love the geekiness! :D
got any pictures of all of you geeks together?
Love the glasses.
I do but there on moms computer, but I'll see if I can post them on here sometime...
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